Yesterday was a busy day. But then, it seems like all days are busy! I had been baking cookies and cornbread muffins for the Empty Bowls lunch and it was nice to go and eat and get a wonderful hand-made bowl with my lunch. This charity event benefits the Loaves and Fishes and Urban Ministries. Here is the bowl I got.
The article in the Leaf-Chronicle is

Then last night I went to our Stampin' Up team meeting. My upline is Julie Salva, she is so fun and inspiring. I love our meetings and the projects we make are an added bonus to the fun.
One of the projects we made last night was a nice tool to use at workshops or whenever someone isn't sure about the color of a certain cardstock. The colors in the catalog are very close but they can't always be a perfect picture of the color so we made this fun color sampler folder to display our cardstock colors. There are even a couple of samples of buttons and ribbon as well as a bit of bling!

Another fun project was a little box made from the Petal Cone die. I made the cone at the last team meeting but never got a picture of it for whatever reason. Now you can see what it is "supposed" to look like and what you can do with it if you do a bit of creative trimming and scoring. It was a die that I didn't think I needed but I've seen some great ideas with it and it is working it's way up on my list of dies I need to order! It is a lot more versatile than I originally thought.

Isn't this little box adorable! Besides the Petal Cone die, we used the Trimmings die that was introduced in the Christmas Mini Catalog to make the flower. The fabric is in the Occasions Mini, the SpringtimeVintage fabric and the button is from the same line. There is a tutorial here on
Angie's blog. She cut the top off and made it a little basket. We left the top petals on and folded them over to make it a box.
Here are a couple of other blogs with fun ideas for the Petal Cone die: Heather made a
super cute lantern, Sharon made an
upside down box and an upside ritght one with the cutest little cupcake tag.
Holly made 3 projects, an
ice cream cone I probably could have thought of and a carrot that I might have thought of and a graduation cap I'm pretty sure I would never have come up with! If you look around you will find lots of inspiration for this great die. Yep, I need it!
There are a couple of other projects to show as well as some amazing swaps! We have some very talented stampers and paper crafters on our team, the swaps are always fantastic. I have a crop tomorrow but will post the other projects and some swaps Friday.
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