Friday, May 8, 2009

White Gel Pen fix

I came across a fix for the white gel pens on Captain Crafter's Blog. I haven't had trouble with the white Signo pens yet but I use them fairly regularly so they don't have time to get stubborn on me. I'm definitely going to try this on some of my older pens. I have a bunch of different color ones as well as gold and silver that need some attention. I hate to throw them out but if they don't work. . .

I'll let you know how it goes. Right now I can't get into my scrap room. A stack of boxes next to the door fell and I can't even get the door open one inch! Both of the windows are locked. If anyone has any bright ideas short of busting the door down, lmk!

OK, I feel like I have to have a picture with my blog posts.
Here is a fun swap card I got at the retreat I went to a couple of weeks ago. If I could get into my scrap room I would tell you who made it! I'll add that info when I figure out how to get in or if she happens across my blog and lets me know it was hers.

She used the fun Cherry Blossom Embosslets to make the flowers and the scalloped punch along the rim of the "flower pot".

Other news from the home front: I may not be able to get into my scrap room but I have a new riding lawn mower that I'm loving! If I had known how much fun it would be I wouldn't have minded writing out that big ol check as much. I think I need to go mow someone else's lawn since it is too soon to mow mine again. My husband even mowed the orchard so I can't use that excuse. . .

1 comment:

  1. cool idea, fun card...
    my mom bought a riding lawn mower at a yard sale. they're yard isn't really riding lawn mower worthy, but all the grandkids call it her tractor. she has a little wagon trailer you can hook up and all the kids get to go on 'tractor' rides. too bad you guys kind of have access to real tractors!
