Saturday, May 9, 2009

What a difference a layer makes

These 2 cards are basically the same except for the colors. The one on the left is nice but the one on the right has an extra layer, the striped paper with the green ribbon tied around. Such a simple added touch seems to make a big difference. You may have noticed that I usually have several layers on my cards. Simple is good sometimes but adding another layer can step up a card nicely.
BTW, I managed to get into my scrap room. My son in law managed to push the door open about 4 inches and I could reach in and pull the boxes from behind it and push them out of the way. It took probably 10 minutes to get in. There were 7 boxes in the landslide! Once we get the rest of the house livable we will have to work in there. Moving is so much fun.
Some of you don't know that my daughter, her husband and their 2 1/2 children moved in while he does an internship here for the Southern College of Optometry. I told them there was no reason for them to take more college loans to pay rent when we have 5 bedrooms. I'm loving having those sweet babies here, it will be a fun 8 months. The new baby is due in September. Easton (age 3) sometimes gets fustrated with his little sister (16 months) for wrecking his train tracks. The other day he said his baby brother won't wreck his trains. We don't know if it is a boy or girl but Easton knows!