Thursday, September 5, 2024

Stampin' Up Fun Day

I went to a Stampin' Up event last Saturday and it was so fun! I got to see some friends I don't get to see often and meet some new friends. There were several speakers who shared some great business ideas and we made a fun make-n-take Christmas ornament that will be released in kits of 9 ornaments tomorrow! But I think my favorite part was swapping.

They said to plan on 40 cards. I got some great cards and have already used a couple of them as inspiration for a class I'm teaching in Hopkinsville on October 5th. Here are my swap cards, I made 2 different designs so people had to choose. 

We are supposed to include the "recipe" for our card so I thought I'd include them in the pictures so you can see what I used. Most of the products are from the new mini catalog that will be released tomorrow, Sept 4. I love that catalog!  There is also an online Halloween/Fall catalog being released tomorrow. 
Also, there was a name tag contest. Mine didn't win but I had fun making a name tag that reflected who I am. I love being a country girl!