Monday, November 1, 2010

It's November!

Time to put away gobblins and start creating gobblers!  I had a lot of fun creating Halloween projects but I was ready for Halloween to be over.  Somehow I never get tired of Christmas though.  I'll try to post some Fall and Thanksgiving projects over the next few weeks until Thanksgiving but there will continue to be a lot of Christmas projects too.  First though, a skinny bag turkey treat!  I CASEd this idea from Kelly Mayou but made a few slight changes.  Having grown up on a farm, I know a few things about turkeys  :~)
One spring when I was just 2 or 3 my daddy brought home a baby turkey to fatten up and have for Thanksgiving dinner that fall.  This turned out to be a very special turkey and he soon became a family pet.  Needless to say, when Thanksgiving came around, daddy went to the store and bought a frozen turkey for mom to cook!  We simply called our little turkey Tom.  He loved to show off his pretty feathers, stretching out his wings to the ground and fanning out his tail feathers whenever anyone came to visit he would strut around the yard so everyone could enjoy his beauty.  Tom turkey was always there, part of home.  One winter when I was 16 or 17 he wandered off into the woods and we never saw him again.  He was very old by then, in turkey years. 

Thanksgiving never comes without me reflecting on Tom turkey.  He was quite a character.  I think my skinny bag turkey is a character too.  He was fun to create.  I must have enjoyed it because I'm in the middle of making 40 of them! 


Joyce said...

And this is too "Stinkin Cute".

Jan said...

Please, where or where, did you find those cute skinny bags? Jan

elaine said...

Jan, I got them at the shipping is high but you can also get A2 size envelope bags and 12X12 bags as well as the 1X8 skinny bags I used for this project.

Unknown said...

Very cute. Wish I had my skinny bags now cause I have to come up with two projects for a shoebox swap on the 23rd!