Friday, July 8, 2011

VC Bloghop - Black and White with a Pop of Melon Mambo

Welcome to another blog hop for Virtual Convention Rocks!  The blog hop doesn't offically start until 9 CST Saturday morning so if you are here before that the other blogs might not have their posts up.  I'm early for once!  This blog hop is Anything But a Card so if you a re looking for card ideas, check back next week.  If you want lots of other great ideas, hang around and see what everyone came up to inspire you with your crafting and scrapbooking!

   I've been sick with some kind of virus or maybe food poisoning, whatever it was it totally wiped me out for a few days!  I actually considered dropping out of the blog hop but decided to go with Stampin' Up's digital program so I could still participate without having to dig through my supplies looking for everything I need.  The remaining headache just couldn't deal with that today!  Why do I feel like I'm cheating when I do a digital layout?

My favorite aunt died Friday, July 1.  She was the last sibling left of my mom's 9 brothers and sisters.  She was my favorite aunt and I think everyone who ever met her had to love her instantly.  She was such a wonderful person, sweet in every way, always serving and helping others.  She and mom were so close that I wanted to do a scrapbook page of them.  The VC Rocks yahoo group posted a challenge for black and white projects with a small pop of color about that time so I decided that would be the perfect color scheme for my page.  I tried a couple of things in the MDS program that I hadn't tried before and I'm pleased with the results.  

I hadn't tried to put the Scalloped Border punch all around a layout in MDS before.  It took a few minutes to get the corners matched up but the results were worth every second!  I didn't want so much white on the page so I printed the journaling in white on a black journal box.  It seemed too stark so I lowered the opacity of the black to 85% and that softened it up just enough. 

I really like that pop of bright pink.  Aunt Chet and Mom were the classic Southern Belles, they were known to be feisty upon occasion but were proper and genteel the rest of the time.  Aunt Chet had more of a flare for fashion so the bright pink accent on classic black and white is totally her.  Mom was more careful with money but Aunt Chet loved to get a little something for mom now and then to spark up her wardrobe too.  They were the perfect example of how sisters should act and how they should expect their husbands to treat them.  The world is short two wonderful women now but I"m sure the reunion has been amazing!

Now on to Brenda's Stamping Corner!


  1. Elaine,
    I love your pages! Digital scrapping isn't cheating, it just takes some time to adjust your way of thinking. I am sorry for the loss of your Aunt.

  2. Beautiful pages! Definitely not cheating.

    Sorry for your loss!

  3. Lovely MDS pages, you've done well! Love the B&W combo! So sorry for the loss of your dear Aunt!

  4. So glad you didn't drop out, awesome pages! Hope you are feeling better. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Your pages are beautiful! You did a great job.
    Ria Blackwell

  6. Great job - perfect for our challenge this week, too! Feel better soon.

  7. Brenda, these are so pretty, I really need to play with MDS more, I just can't seem to get the hang of it, but if this is what you can make, I need to try again. thanks so much for sharing

  8. 1. Brenda so sorry you have been sick.
    2. I am sorry about your aunt.
    3. What a fantastic job with these pics.
    4. You deserve to win for the current challenge at VC_R.
    5. MDS is NOT cheating.
    6. I love what you have done.

    Carey Rogers
    aka Roscoe's mommy

  9. Brenda--what a beautiful layout and a great way to remember your Aunt! I'm so glad you didn't drop out. Hope you get back to feeling 100% soon! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Brenda--what a beautiful layout and a great way to remember your Aunt! I'm so glad you didn't drop out. Hope you get back to feeling 100% soon! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love your MDS pages! I love the vintage look and the idea you made these for your aunt.

  12. I loved your MDS pages and the story you told about your Aunt and mom. What a lovely tribute to them both. Thanks for sharing and I hope you feel better soon.

  13. Now that really pops! I love black and white with just a little color, so this suits me fine! I do need to finish my challenge project and post it, tho'. Sorry for your loss - I had a special Aunt like yours - everyone loved her and we still miss her after almost 20 years - she touched so many people.

  14. And your Mom was my favorite aunt! Ken went into my library & saw Aunt Lois' photo & became emotional all over again. Our Mom's were very close & we saw their example as we grew up. I could not have loved Aunt Lois more if she had been my Mom. I was so glad to have been able to visit her, talk to her on the phone & see her just a few days before she left us. In the last years of her life she told more & more stories about her family. I wish I had written them down. It's hard to accept that their generation of our family is gone. Leaves us much work to do! Thanks for sharing the blog tribute.

  15. sorry for your loss....MDS is so nice to work did great!

  16. What stunning MDS work. I still think of my Aunt Marney all the time. The thought of her will never leave my heart. I hope it will be the same for you in time.

  17. Elaine, you did an absolutely gorgeous job!!! You make me want to get into MDS and create something (and that's not an easy thing to do because that software makes me crazy--I think it's a right-brain thing!).

    I'm so sorry for your loss; you've really honored your family with this layout.

  18. So sorry for your loss. The pages are just wondering. Great way to preserve those memories.

  19. WOW! These are Amazing! Sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers!

  20. Elaine,
    Sorry for your loss. I just lost my Great-Aunt Rita on July 4th. SHe was 94 y.o. She was the last of all the aunts and uncles on my mother's side of the family. She was my grandfather's little brother's wife. Like your aunt she was a wonderful person and my grandmother's best friend and to know her was to love her.

    I love your scrapbook pages of your mom and aunt and their story. Very nice.

    Cindy Ferenz
    Proud Parent of 2 Soldiers

  21. Oh Elaine, what a beautiful tribute to your mother and your aunt! Your journaling conveys the depth of their loving relationship--how much more special must this be to those blessed to know them. . . .

    Thank you for sharing such a tender remembrance of these two grand ladies.

  22. Love your scrapbook layout with two lovely pictures and the journaling that adds so much to the future generations' enjoyment and understanding. The pop of color is wonderful against the black and white. My sympathy in the loss of your aunt and other family members; thankfully memories do live on. Hope you're fully recovered from whatever it was that 'got' you.

  23. what great pages! love the memories of Nin & Aunt Chet. Thanks for sharing.

  24. These pages are amazing! Every detail makes it so vintage beautiful. I also love the photos, great snapshots of loved ones.

  25. Great MDS projects; so glad you were able to stay in the hop and share this wonderful projects!
