Friday, February 4, 2011

Things I love

This is a fun little peek-a-boo card I made last year but wanted to include in my Valentine's classes this year because it is so great.  When it is closed all the way it says "Things I love, shopping, chocolate, new shoes" and when you open it you see "but most of all you"  so your loved one knows you rank them above all those things!  Isn't that a sweet Valentine's card?  This is a sweet little set that is versatile with the added bonus of being inexpensive. 

I cut a rectangle in the front large enough for the "things i love . . ." to show through and added the 3 things from the set that women typically love.  I'm not so typical, I hate to shop (unless it is with Stampin' Up!) and I'm not wild about new shoes.  I like them better once they are worn in and comfortable.  As you can see from the top picture, when you open the card you see that under "things i love . . ." it says but most of all YOU!.  What a nice surprise for the receipent to see when they open the card! 


  1. That is a really cute idea! I really like that stamp set too. TFS.

  2. Love it! So glad I have this stamp set :) Following you via SC.

